Jenkins World

Jenkins World 2016 - Thinking Inside the Container: A Continuous Delivery Story

Jenkins World 2017: Achieving Mass Sharing and Reuse with Jenkins

Baruch Sadogursky - Jenkins World 2018

Jenkins World 2017 w/ Brent Laster, author Jenkins 2.0 book

#6 Jenkins Pipelines | Hello world | Beginner to Expert

Jenkins World 2017: Splunking Development Productivity

Jenkins World 2017: Blue Ocean State Of The Union

20 Sam Fell - Jenkins World 2018

Jenkins: Tikkun Olam (Repair the World)

Jenkins World 2017: Remove Undifferentiated Heavy Lifting from Jenkins

DevSecOps at Scale: Using Jenkins Shared Libraries to Accelerate CI/CD Adoption

02 Bob Davis- Jenkins World 2018

Jenkins World 2017: Native Code Pipelines: IoT Joins the DevOps Revolution

Jenkins World 2017: Mapping Your DevOps Journey with the DevOps Quadrant Maturity Model

Jenkins World 2016 - Dockerizing Your Jenkins Platform? Why It's Important

Jenkins World 2017: Jenkins Pipeline on your Local Box to Reduce Cycle Time

Jenkins World 2017: From Zero to Hero: Firing up a Holistic Continuous Delivery/DevOps Pipeline

Jenkins World 2016 - Lightning Talk #1: Continuously Delivering Continuous Delivery Pipelines

Identifying Security Vulnerabilities at Scale: Venture Inside a Jenkins Pipeline

Check out XebiaLabs at Jenkins World | DevOps World 2018

Jenkins World 2017 w/ Matthew Barker, Twistlock

21 Paul Goldman - Jenkins World 2018

DevOps World | Jenkins World 2019 - Wednesday Keynote

Jenkins: Hidden Faces